Many investors seemed to overlook the need to keep HVAC coils clean and protected,meanwhile protecting their investment. Coil buildup is the number one problem that leads to high energy bills and costly repairs. At HVAC Maintenance Products,we recommend that our customers protect their HVAC coils with First Strike and you’ll win every time!

First Strike Micro Coat Never Goes to Sleep on the Job!

Unlike other HVA cleaning brands,First Strike Micro Coat keeps working long after application. In fact,you can go for an entire year and never worry about applying HVAC coil protection again! That’s right. First Strike works 365 days a year! In addition,First Strike Micro Coat eliminates the concern about mildew,mold and other microbial growth that often plague your HVAC system. If you live in a salty air area,you are all too familiar with how corrosion can cause excessive damage to HVAC coils. We have great news for you! First Strike stops corrosion from starting and spreading in your HVAC saving you a bundle in repairs and replacements. Neglected HVAC coils can take hours to get clean and frankly,who wants to deal with that?

Use First Strike FIRST and Never Clean Coils Again!

We suggest that if you have never used First Strike Micro Coat that you clean your HVAC coils and then apply a very thin coat of First Strike to them. Once you do this,First Strike goes to work like a self-cleaning GENIE protecting and guarding your HVAC coils against corrosion and dirty buildup for an entire year. Just apply with a pump sprayer,and you are on the way to a full year of protection. It repels moistures,mold,mildew and other contaminants known to cause HVAC coil breakdown and removes the worry of monthly HVAC coil cleaning.

Are you ready to stop working so hard at keeping your HVAC coils clean? Order your First Strike Micro Coat online or call us at (623) 930-4890 today!