Maybe you have not heard of V4138,the new and improved Pancrete product coating that works better than the original Pancrete protection. When you use Pancrete T-84 congruently with V4138,you apply a high-performance barrier against the very things that cause HVAC degradation. That is why we recommend that you add fire,fungus and corrosion protection with V4138,another top of the line Pancrete product that delivers every time!

Have You Compromised The Integrity of Your HVAC System?

It’s a no-brainer when we here of the kind of damage that happens to a HVAC when it goes unprotected. In saying that,we remind our customers that an ounce of prevention is worth its weight in gold. V4138 can be applied to curved surfaces and for HVAC owners that ability is a must! The newer product V4138 offers a much better adhesion property along with longer work time. It exceeds all fire and smoke codes so that you can have the peace of mind in knowing that you have used a product that lives up to its reputation! The NFPA provides V4138’s high rating. When combined with Pancrete T-84 this duo is unstoppable when providing superior strength and protection from mold,mildew,bacteria,smoke and fire.

Why Choose V4138 Over Another Brand?

The answer is easy! V4138 has been proven to work successfully and better than any other product on the market today. This is especially true when you use the protective duo of V4138 and T-84,both top of the line Pancrete products. At Pancrete,they are always researching and increasing the protection offered by all of their products. When the industry calls for a higher standard of protection against rust,corrosion,mildew,mold and more,Pancrete constantly ups the ante by constantly improving their own products. In turn,they maintain satisfied customers from coast to coast.

Do you want to use a product that never makes room for improvement? I did not think so. If you are seeking out the most efficient protection for your HVAC,then order your V4138 Pancrete coating today online or call us at (623) 930-5490.