
How long will this procedure take?

Surface preparation is the most time-consuming step. The tower is drained and residual dirt or debris is removed by brushing and hosing down the surfaces. Total tower coating process can be completed in less than a day.

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What’s involved in surface preparation?

There are instructions provided. The most important thing is removing old rust, deposits and oils from the metal surfaces. This may be done by abrasion blasting using a soft abrasive such as sodium bicarbonate, walnut shells, etc. A wire brush may also be used.

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What about structural integrity?

The normal application thickness of Pancrete is ¼ inch. This thickness helps to distribute stress across greater surface areas. After Pancrete is properly applied, maintenance personnel can walk across the basin without fear of falling through the corroded metal which may be a problem before the tower has been restored. Greater thicknesses of Pancrete can be applied as well.

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How does tower corrosion occur and what are the effects?

Over the past decades, metal cooling towers have become popular. Tower corrosion may occur in as little as 7 years depending upon water treatment and environmental conditions. Severe rusting to the point of distressed metal of the tower basin and support structure results. Corrosion causes water leaks and increases water consumption. Structural integrity of the tower itself is reduced and gradually performance deteriorates. Inevitably, corrosion makes it necessary to replace the equipment prematurely, often at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars and more.

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Can I mix partial containers of V570 or Pancrete?

No. Neither V570 nor Pancrete can be partially mixed due to specialized ratios, so only complete containers may be used. The user should determine what size containers he needs for the job at hand. Our customer service department can provide easy assistance.

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What are the differences between V570 and Pancrete?

V570 and Pancrete share the same corrosion water resistance. However, Pancrete, when mixed, has a consistency of water, so it flows easily, coating the entire drain area, and easily getting into hard-to-reach areas. V570 is more viscous and is engineered to coat the vertical surfaces of metals.

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