Instant Powder Kegs

What about shipping costs?

Instant Powder Kegs do not contain water. You already have that, so why pay to ship water? Costs for shipping are always lower, you can never get any “leakers”, and don’t have to worry about bottles rolling around in the van if you are a contractor.

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How is Instant Powder Kegs used?

A pack of Instant Powder Kegs contains six individual “kegs”. The user just gets a pump up sprayer, fills it half full of water, and adds the number of kegs to the water that he feels is necessary to clean the coil. One keg per gallon is the least mild solution, with more being used for more difficult coils. Since users always dilute their cleaner anyway, you will have a source of water on site.

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What makes Instant Powder Kegs different? Will it last?

Lots of things. Instant Powder Kegs is a powder. In many areas, OSHA requires that coil cleaning liquids be specially stored to avoid leaks. Further, many times coil cleaner plastic containers leak, and get the corrosive liquid over vans, floors, and other areas. This can get messy, and difficult to clean up. Leaky containers can also corrode tools, metals, and other products that may be nearby. As well, have you ever carried a gallon jug of coil cleaner up a ladder while holding on with the other hand? These are some of the reasons users prefer Instant Powder Kegs.

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